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2022: Get Up and Start

Hannah James

2022… the big new year. After everything We’ve been through as a world, culture, and society, the new year has finally come! Time to write my infinite list of goals that will magically be accomplished because everyone stayed up till midnight and bought new calendars…right? Nope! If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it’s that we can't guarantee anything. Nothing at all. And, I hate to sound like a debbie downer but it's true!

But, what's the point in being captain obvious and stating only what everybody else already knows? I’m so glad you asked! I wanted to share a couple keys that I have learned to actually accomplish your goals and make a new start in your life.

One-Mindset! Your mindset is what's actually going to make a difference for you. Otherwise, any day could be your new year, your ‘resolution’. Instead, focus your mindset on your life, not just 2022. Not, ‘this year i'll do better, this year i'll turn it around, this year this year this year.’ Starting now, and now meaning the moment you stop trying to make excuses, i'm talking to myself here as well, you ARE different. Starting now, you are and are working towards the things you have deemed impossible. Your goals are set, and that means doing whatever it takes to accomplish them. And whatever that is for you, whether it be getting in shape, healing your mind, self care, journaling, reading more, reading the bible, investing in your future, building up and strengthening your relationships, getting that job, etc. change your mindset to your future. This isn't and will never be about the 12 months that fit on your calendar, this is about you and the life you have been given.

And that leads me to my second point.

Two: No More Excuses! Now don't get me wrong, procrastination is probably my biggest weakness. BUT, Something that dawned on me last year is that if you really want it, you're going to do everything in your power to get to that point. Ultimately, we have to stop making excuses. Stop saying you can't! Because at the end of the day you are your biggest advocate, and you can sit and tell yourself all the reasons why you can't follow through but ultimately, if you're not trying to get there, you don't really want it.

I used to HATE when people said that because all I could think was, you don't know me! You don't know the things I go through or my limitations! I would get so heated and ultimately I would drive myself into a bigger hole of excuses and frankly, some lies that would make it even more difficult to get out of. Find your resources! Because they're everywhere.

Final Key: Believe in Yourself! You may come from a very simple and easy background or one that most people don't make it out of, either way the only one who can translate and talk out your vision correctly is you!

I have always been a do it myself kind of girl. Not to say that I wont ask for favors but when it comes to getting things done I have always known that when I have a picture in my mind, I can't expect someone to do exactly that. The beauty in having so many different people and personalities on our planet is that no one can do anything the exact same way. I say this because no matter how many people you have around you that support you or that dont, no one will ever envision your plans, your dreams, and your calling quite like you do, and that's okay! All that means is we have to stop relying on other people to do the things you dream about. Did someone start practicing your niche before you did? No problem because no one will walk it out like you will! You are the only person IN THE WORLD who can do what you've been created to do. You are so special and BUILT with every tool you need to live your life the way YOU were made to live it and you have a GIFT. So use it, and let today be the first day of the rest of your life.

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