When trying to manage my perspective, I have tried so many different methods. Sometimes changing your perspective feels right next to impossible. BUT I wanted to take a second To share the three things that helped me change my perspective, and be the change in my life and community.
1) Living the phrase: Put yourself in their shoes.
Now, for clarity I don’t mean comparing yourself. Plenty of people do that on a daily basis and still get no where. I’m talking about envisioning the place or state of mind you struggle to grasp. For example, I’m a very visual person. I have to see things to be able to understand. It helps to have a very vivid imagination but some people are not blessed with such things. So sometimes it’s good to actually see it. So, if you struggle to have thankfulness, maybe look at pictures or watch a documentary of people who may have the exact opposite of what your looking for. ( I would not suggest watching something you know nothing about especially on YouTube because you never know what you’ll see.) Or if you’re struggling to pursue your dream, think about your hero. Whether it be a character in a movie or someone you know personally who is living the life you want, close your eyes and envision yourself in that situation. For me, I took a movie scene. I closed my eyes and imagined my face there instead of the heroin in the story. It helps!
2) Journal about it!
Write down everytying you think of, when considering the person you dream you can be! It is such an asset to simply get that person out of your head and make them real, even if all you can do is get them on paper. I even made a vision board and wrote down a letter to that me!
3) Push yourself!!
Now, don’t break your bones trying to. Harming yourself or your mental health will get you no where but farther from the finish line. That said, one of the things that helped me most was the realization that no one could motivate me better than myself. I wanted someone else to come around and fix my lack of courage and strength but really, the only one who would and will ever know exactly what I need is me! I decided I wouldn’t wait for someone else to guess my feelings and rather I would help myself.
You can do this!! I believe in you!!!